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The source code is available on GitHub.

text-io-web-example is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license. Click on the icon below to read the license file:


This project shows you how to integrate a WebTextTerminal into a web application.

Click on the image below to see a sample run of the application.

example run thumb

This simple application demonstrates:

  • modular front-end design: the client-side component of the WebTextTerminal is installed from the npm repository. The application also uses two other npm packages: a date-picker and a table builder. The modules are bundled using webpack.

  • handling input data: the date-picker value is sent as initData to the server-side Text-IO runner.

  • handling output data: the table data generated by the the server-side Text-IO runner is retrieved by the table-builder and rendered as a HTML table.

Getting Started

You need Java 8 or newer in order to use text-io-web-example.

Command Line Build

text-io-web-example is built with Gradle and requires JDK 8 or higher. Clone the GitHub repository, cd into the top directory and start the build:

git clone
cd text-io-web-example
./gradlew clean build            (On Windows: gradlew clean build)

IntelliJ Idea

  • start the IntelliJ Idea IDE

  • open build.gradle

  • to automatically run webpack, check the settings box "Delegate IDE build/run actions to gradle":

idea gradle
  • run ExampleMain


  • start the Eclipse IDE

  • install a recent version of Buildship.

  • import the project using the Gradle Project wizard

  • run ExampleMain